The Name Changers

The Name Changers

Oh boy! Ready for another name change? Looks like the name-changers are going to catch up with the multi-gender crowd. What can be funnier than that?

Are the RINOs doing it again? Let’s see. There was the Frontier Republicans, who claimed to be the real deal, dye-in-the-wool republicans, and true blue republicans. The latter may be the only truest description – blue. Then came Traditional Republicans with the same assertions. And now, dear reader, it seems the clowns stoop lower than whale ….. From Frontier to Traditional, to Reagan republicans.

We have to ask ourselves why in the world does the circus have to keep changing titles? One would think if you claim to be a republican and register as such, wouldn’t you agree to the party’s platform? If not, and you are more in line with another party’s platform why wouldn’t you register in that platform and run on its merits?

Perhaps this is the nature of the beast. Circuses have their clowns, and they too disguise themselves. A facade to hide behind while performing while the audience focuses on an illusion.

As we enter the campaign season, the Primary up first, will we look behind the masks or be satisfied with illusions?