So, here in Wyoming we have clowns that want the state to be the leader in digital currency. All of the hype that cryptocurrency is the wave of the future and the best thing since apple pie (note, this writer prefers apple pie any time), the sales pitches never seem to address the downside of digital currency.
Why is that you may ask? Well dear reader, I’m glad you asked. All of this push for AI (Artificial Intelligence) there seems to be a litany of trusting technology more than human common sense (OK, your argument that there is very little common sense anymore is noted). Scores of states’ legislators are getting on the band wagon not understanding the “actual” technology behind it. This writer’s opinion, they are solely going by sales pitches.
Documents from some of our legislator committees, the key point: “authorized institutions to hold digital assets”. Rest assured, the authorized institutions will be tied to governments’ ability to see – how else can governments be assured to tax.
Unlawful dissemination of misleading synthetic media.
“1 AN ACT relating to consumer protection; prohibiting the
2 dissemination of synthetic media as specified; providing
3 definitions; providing remedies; providing penalties; and
4 providing for an effective date.”
Who’s definition? Bureaucrats? Oh, maybe AI. We can trust the programmers.
Think about this, how often do we hear about some government computer system was hacked, and private businesses computer systems too, and millions of people being affected – all the while these institutions claim they use “military encryption” and your data is safe. It’s all BS from people that haven’t a clue how the backend systems work.
Another example of how dumbed down mankind has become, if a store like Walmart, Costco or any that use internet for financial transactions, the power goes out or lose internet, they cannot do business simply because they do not know how to process transactions manually. You say that’s crazy, well, you’d be right. Ever try offering more cash and a few coins so the clerk can give just a quarter in change, and they look at you as you are crazy?
And let’s not forget a couple of years ago when GoFundMe cutoff donations to the truckers. Governments can cut you off from your own “digital currency” (your money, 401K, IRA, bank accounts, etc.) and also force private institutions to do it for them, like your local bank where you have your checking account. Funny how these advocates for “government” controlled cryptocurrency never point this out.
And do I dare say, most of the problems we see today with our country’s financial woes is the creation of the private central bank called the Federal Reserve. And the advocates (read that as Clowns) for more government involvement into our money and daily lives. These clowns’ act is more of a crass act, and you can bet your bottom dollar they will take that too.
So as the beat goes on, we have the dumb ones pushing for AI. Basically, the people who can’t function without technology pushing for more technology. Wow, what if: in the future when everyone is dependent on technology God need only turn the switch off? Hmmm… scary thought. Mankind will be at each other’s throats.
Maybe it’s time to give these clowns the crypto-finger.