Category: <span>What’s New</span>

Category: What’s New

Charity or Taxes

There are so many clowns around us – clowns to the left of me jokers to the right. All wanting to take our hard earned money via taxes to support their latest cause. Instead of raising our taxes, perhaps it would be better if the state, county, city and town …

The Con-Con Con

We have a new circus act in Cheyenne down by West 24th Street. This circus has some unusual clowns, they put “Sen” in front of their names – strange. Barlow, Biteman, Boner, Brennan, Case, Cooper, Crago, Crum, Driskill, French, Hicks, Jones, Kolb, Landen, Laursen, Mckeown, Nethercott, Olsen, Pappas, Salazar, Schuler, …

Failure to Communicate

What we have here is a failure to communicate. We have a clown pretending to be a clown known as Ketanji Brown. Clown Jarv-ass voted no on “What is a Woman Act”. Really?! This begs the question if Jarv-ass identifies as a man or woman, or any of the other …

Lizard Clown Receives an Award

  The Citizens of the State of Wyoming have really no choice but to 
acknowledge and present 
the DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS AWARD to ELIZABETH CHENEY OF ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA (AKA: War Pig Liz Cheney) for her immediate and unwavering stalwart support for the 
2024 Democratic Party Presidential Nominee who every …

2024 Queen Clown

Queen Clown KAMALA BIOGRAPHY Editor’s Note: Although the Queen Clown does not live in Wyoming, this clown would have had catastrophic consequences for Wyoming, including the rest of America. 1981: Graduated High School in CANADA, where she grew up since the age of 12. 1981: Attended Vanier College in Montreal, …

Will the Clowns Leave America?

Ok, these clowns are not from Wyoming, although the Lizard Cheney is not on the list, she bailed Wyoming long ago and perhaps she too should leave America. List of people  clowns that will be leaving the country because of a Trump victory. 1. Alec Baldwin 2. Whoopi Goldberg 3. …

Crown Jewel

When you think the clowns can’t get any funnier, the crown jewel of clowns (AKA: War Pig Liz Cheney) performs an unbelievable act of silliness. Actually a turncoat, if not treasonous act, goes to the opposing tent of clowns and supports their ringleader, the one some say has the face …

Lizard’s Daddy

The Lizard’s daddy, Dick, is voting for Harris too. The Left media is ecstatic over the circus of turncoats. Big Dick is a globalist, he was chair of CFR (Council of Foreign Relations), you know, globalists one wold government – sort of like the WEF (World Economic Forum). That alone …